Evening Time Prayer

Evening time prayers  to give thanks to god

Even if you start of your day with day with daily morning prayers and cup of coffee, it’s very easy to get caught up in the chaos of your daily routines. By the end of the day when you return home from your daily errands, it’s possible you forgot the intentions you for yourself in the morning prayers. which is why it will be helpful to say an evening prayer to God before you hit the bed.
Whether you are looking to ease your mind, erase your worries, or find the strength to finish the weekly tasks, the evening prayers will help you end your day on high note, no matter where the day’s events might have taken you.

God Knows exactly what you need, at the exact moment you need it. That’s why you should use your Evening time prayers to give thanks to him, especially if it might have slipped your mind earlier in the day. Before you realise it, reciting good night prayers will become a routine and you will be able to sleep peacefully knowing that you are not alone.
For having the peace full night sleep try saying below prayer before you hit the bed.

Evening Prayer

God, our Father, this day is done.
We ask you and Jesus Christ, your Son,
that with the Spirit, our welcome guest,
you guard our sleep and bless our rest.

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