About us


We built THE Catholic  to give access to  information about Catholicism and help people to integrate their faith into their daily lives.

How did we start this ?..

I was just a normal family guy trying to find the prayer books for the daily family prayer.

Since every information in this world is online now. Thought why not have a place in the internet where people can find all the catholic prayers at one place  which would serve as a personal, liturgical resource that supports one’s daily faithful living.

Even Catholic church considers ” Online media as ‘gifts of God’ which , in accordance with his providential design, unite men in brotherhood and so help them to cooperate with his plan for their salvation.”

According to Vatican ,  The internet will be used as strategic communications tool for church will create an increase in support sites targeting the audience.

In order to spread the good news of the God and to continue to build the online community, we request your active support by subscribing to our newsletters.  Also by providing the valuable feedback to us , so we can try and implement the changes to make THE CATHOLIC better.

you can get in touch with us @ [email protected]

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Hey, Stop taking advice from the dark side , there is better way to lead good life . Subscribe to The Catholic