Daily mass readings for Dec 30, 2023
Daily mass readings: The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas Reading 1: 1 Jn 2:12-17 I am writing to you, children,because your sins have been forgiven for his name’s….
Daily mass readings: The Sixth Day in the Octave of Christmas Reading 1: 1 Jn 2:12-17 I am writing to you, children,because your sins have been forgiven for his name’s….
Daily mass readings: The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas Reading 1: 1 Jn 2:3-11 Beloved:The way we may be sure that we know Jesusis to keep his commandments.Whoever….
St. Anastasia St. Anastasia, also known as Anastasia of Sirmium and Anastasia the Pharmakolytria or “Deliverer from Potions,” is a Christian saint and martyr who suffered for Christ during the….
Daily Mass readings : Feast of the Holy Innocents, martyrs Reading 1 : 1 Jn 1:5—2:2 Beloved:This is the message that we have heard from Jesus Christand proclaim to you:God….
Pope Saint Gregory the Great Pope Saint Gregory I, also known as the Great, was the Pope of the Catholic Church between 590 and 604 AD. Gregory was born around….
Daily mass readings: Feast of Saint John, Apostle and evangelist Reading 1: 1 Jn 1:1-4 Beloved:What was from the beginning,what we have heard,what we have seen with our eyes,what we….
Christmas Reflections: Hello, dear brothers and sisters ! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and enjoying the festive spirit.Christmas is a time of joy, peace and gratitude….
St. Genevieve St. Genevieve was a fair and courageous peasant girl who was born around 422 in Nanterre, France, to a man named Severus and a woman named Gerontia. When….
Daily mass readings: Feast of Saint Stephen, first martyr Reading 1: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 Stephen, filled with grace and power,was working great wonders and signs among the people.Certain members of….
St. Veronica St. Veronica is known as the woman who offered a cloth to Jesus so He could wipe His face on the way to His crucifixion. The cloth is….