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St. Francis of Paola

St. Francis of Paola (1416-1507) was an Italian friar and the founder of the Order of Minims³⁴. Known for his deep humility and ascetic lifestyle, he was never ordained a priest but dedicated his life to prayer, penance, and helping others.

St. Callistus I

Imagine that your biography was written by an enemy of yours. And that its information was all anyone would have not only for the rest of your life but for centuries to come. You would never be able to refute it — and even if you couldno one would believe you because your accuser was a saint.

St. John Baptist de la Salle

St. John Baptist de La Salle was born in 1651, in Reims, France. He was the eldest son of wealthy parents. At the age of eleven, La Salle was committed becoming a priest.