The Prayer “Thank You God”

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Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King:
His love endures forever.
For he is good, he is above all things.
His love endures forever.
Sing praise, sing praise.

We take for granted what God has given to us and focus on what God has not given to us. We may feel that God only exists when everything goes our way. Let us recount the many things for which we owe our gratitude to God, the Giver. First, we are extremely fortunate that our soul was born into a human body

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD
Painful moments, TRUST GOD
Every moment, THANK GOD

The Prayer “Thank You God”

For all You have given,
Thank You God.

For all You have withheld,
Thank You God.

For all You have withdrawn,
Thank You God.

For all You have permitted,
Thank You God.

For all You have prevented,
Thank You God.

For all You have forgiven me,
Thank You God.

For all You have prepared for me,
Thank You God.

For the death You have chosen for me,
Thank you God.

For the place you are keeping for me in heaven,
Thank You God.

For having created me to love You for eternity,
Thank You God.

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