Prayer of Praise and Thanks

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A Prayer of praise and Thanks

Blessed are you, Lord God:
Blessed are you for ever.
Holy is your name:
Blessed are you for ever.
Great is your mercy for your people:
Blessed are you for ever.


Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
We praise you and give you glory:
We bless you for calling us to be your holy people.

Remain in our hearts,
And guide us in our love and service.
Help us to let our light shine before others
And lead them to the way of faith.

Holy Trinity of love,
We praise you now and for ever.


We praise you, Father of all;
We thank you for calling us to be your people,
And for choosing us to give you glory.
In a special way we thank you for…

State your intention here.

Cleanse our hearts and our lives
With your holy word
And make our prayer pleasing to you.
Guide us by your Spirit
As we follow in the paths of Jesus our brother.

All glory and praise are yours, Father,
For ever and ever.


Let us give glory to the Father
Through the Son
In the Holy Spirit,
For God has made us his people, his Church,
And calls us to sing his praises.

All honour and glory and thanks are his,
And praise and worship belong to him.
To God be glory in his Church
For ever and ever!


Thanks for a beautiful day: On a beautiful day,
we may thank God and praise him for his many gifts.

Father of Jesus,
We praise you and give you glory
For the wonderful things you do for us;
For life and health,
for friends and family,
for this splendid day.

For these reasons, we pray as Jesus taught us:

Our Father… Recite the ‘Our Father’ here

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