St. Isabel of France

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St. Isabel of France

Feast dayMarch 12

St. Isabel of France, also known as Elizabeth of France, was born in 1225 as the daughter of King Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castile. She was the sister of King Louis IX of France (Saint Louis). Isabel was known for her piety, charity, and dedication to serving others.

From a young age, Isabel demonstrated a strong desire to live a life of religious devotion. Despite her royal status, she chose a life of simplicity and humility. She devoted herself to prayer, fasting, and caring for the poor and sick.

Isabel founded the Abbey of Longchamp in 1255, where she established a community of nuns following the Rule of Saint Clare. The nuns of Longchamp were dedicated to a life of poverty, prayer, and service to the poor. Isabel herself took the veil as a nun in the Order of Poor Ladies, also known as the Poor Clares.

As abbess of Longchamp, Isabel lived a life of austerity and service. She cared for the sick and needy, and she used her resources to provide for the poor. She was known for her compassion and generosity, and she inspired others with her devotion to God and her commitment to serving those in need.

Isabel died on February 23, 1270, and she was canonized as a saint by Pope Leo X in 1670. She is honored as the patron saint of the Franciscan Third Order, the Order of Saint Elizabeth, and charitable societies. Her feast day is celebrated on February 26th. Saint Isabel of France is remembered for her selflessness, piety, and dedication to serving others, particularly the poor and marginalized.

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