Daily mass readings for Feb1, 2023
Daily Mass readings : Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time;
Reading I : Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
Gospel : Mk 6:1-6
Daily Mass readings : Wednesday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time;
Reading I : Heb 12:4-7, 11-15
Gospel : Mk 6:1-6
Prayer for God’s Blessing of One’s Daily Work;
O Lord, my God,
Creator and Ruler of the universe,
it is Your Will that human beings accept the duty of work.
Daily mass readings : Memorial of Saint John Bosco, Priest;
Reading I : Heb 12:1-4
Gospel : Mk 5:21-43
Bless Me, O Lord:
Heavenly Father, Almighty God,
I humble myself before your Presence.
Daily mass readings : Monday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time;
Reading 1 : Heb 11:32-40
Gospel : Mk 5:1-20
A Prayer for Peace of Mind;
FORTIFY me with the grace of Your Holy Spirit and give Your peace to my soul
Daily mass readings : Memorial of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church;
Reading 1 : Heb 11:1-2, 8-19
Gospel : Mk 4:35-41
A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Our Lady of Mount Carmel;
O most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendour of Heaven
Daily mass readings : Friday of the Third Week of Ordinary Time;
Reading 1 : Heb 10:32-39
Gospel : Mk 4:26-34
Prayer before the Closing of the Day;
Before the closing of the day,
Creator, we Thee humbly pray,
That, for Thy wonted mercy’s sake,
Thou us under protection take.