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St. Josaphat of Polotsk

St. Josaphat of Polotsk, born Ivan Kuntsevych in 1580 in Ukraine, joined the Order of Saint Basil the Great and became Archbishop of Polotsk in 1617. He promoted the Union of Brest, uniting Eastern Christians with the Roman Catholic Church, facing opposition, and ultimately martyrdom in 1623. He was canonized in 1867.

St. Philip

St. Philip was born in Bethsaida, Galilee. He may have been a disciple of John the Baptist and is mentioned as one of the Apostles in the lists of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and in Acts. Aside from the lists, he is mentioned only in John in the New Testament.

St. Paul of the Cross

St. Paul of the Cross was born at Ovada in the Republic of Genoa, January 3, 1694. His infancy and youth were spent in great innocence and piety.

St. Adelina

St. Adelina of Mortain, also known as Adeline, was a remarkable figure in Catholic history. Born in the 11th century, she was the granddaughter of William the Conqueror, the famous Norman king who conquered England in 10661.