St. Charbel

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St. Charbel

Feast dayAugust 11
Death 3rd century

St. Charbel Makhlouf, also known as Youssef Antoun Makhlouf, was a Maronite monk and priest from Lebanon. His life is marked by holiness, miracles, and the ability to unite Christians, Muslims, and Druze. Here are some key details about his life:

  • Early Life: Youssef Antoun Makhlouf was born on May 8, 1828, in the mountain village of Bekaa Kafra, the highest elevation in Lebanon. His father, a mule driver, died when Youssef was only three years old. Raised in a pious home, he was drawn to the lives of saints and the eremitical practices of his uncles.
  • Monastic Journey:
    • In 1851, Youssef joined the Lebanese Maronite Order at the Monastery of Our Lady in Mayfouq. Later, he transferred to the Monastery of Saint Maron in Annaya.
    • He took the religious name Charbel, after the 2nd-century Christian martyr of Antioch.
    • Charbel made his final religious profession in the order on November 1, 1853.
    • He studied philosophy and theology, preparing for ordination.
  • Life as a Monk:
    • Charbel lived and served in the monastery for 19 years, devoted to prayer, manual work, and contemplative silence.
    • His superiors witnessed God’s supernatural power at work in his life, and he became known as a wonder-worker even among some Muslims.
    • In 1875, he was granted permission to live as a solitary monk in a nearby hermitage dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul.
    • Deeply devoted to the Eucharistic presence, he suffered a stroke while celebrating the Divine Liturgy of the Maronite Catholic Church on December 16, 1898.
    • Charbel passed away on Christmas Eve of the same year.
  • Miracles and Canonization:
    • St. Charbel’s tomb has been a site for pilgrimages since his death.
    • Hundreds of miracles are attributed to his intercession, both in Lebanon and worldwide.
    • He was beatified in 1965 and canonized in 1977 by Pope Paul VI.
    • Pope Paul VI hailed him as an “admirable flower of sanctity blooming on the stem of the ancient monastic traditions of the East.”

St. Charbel Makhlouf is celebrated on July 24 by the Latin Church and on the third Sunday of July by the Maronite Church. His life continues to inspire people of various faiths. 🙏✨
¹: Wikipedia
²: Catholic News Agency
⁴: Franciscan Media

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 05/06/2024
(1) Charbel Makhlouf – Wikipedia.
(2) St. Charbel Makhlouf – Catholic News Agency.
(3) St. Charbel Makhlouf | EWTN.
(4) Saint Sharbel Makhlouf | Franciscan Media.

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