St. Edmund the Martyr

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St. Edmund the Martyr

Feast daySeptember 25
Patronof Cork, Diocese of Cork

St. Edmund the Martyr, also known as Edmund of East Anglia, was a king who ruled East Anglia from around 855 until his death on 20 November 8691. He is remembered for his steadfast Christian faith and his martyrdom at the hands of Viking invaders.

Edmund was captured by the Vikings and, according to tradition, refused to renounce his faith or share power with them. As a result, he was tied to a tree, shot with arrows, and beheaded2. His death led to a significant cult following, and he was canonized as a saint. His remains were eventually moved to Bury St Edmunds, which became a major pilgrimage site23.

St. Edmund was originally the patron saint of England before being replaced by St. George in the 15th century2.

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