Tag Archives: communion hyms

A vibrant illustration with a glowing cross, musical notes, and a group of musicians performing on stage, surrounded by an audience. The text 'CATHOLIC HYMNS' is displayed prominently at the bottom right.

As the deer 

As the deer panteth
for the water
so my soul longeth after thee.
You alone are my hearts desire
and I long to worship thee.


You alone are my strength my shield
to you alone may my spirit yield;
you alone are my hearts desire
and i long to worship thee.

You’re my friend
and you are my brother
even though you are a king.
I love you more than any other
so much more than anything.
(Repeat chorus)

I love you more than gold or silver
only you can satisfy.
You alone are the real joy giver
and the apple of my eye.
(repeat chorus)

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