Prayer to Heal a Relationship
Prayer to Heal a Relationship
I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart.
Prayer to Heal a Relationship
I offer you this prayer, to help me with my current relationship situation. Please take away all the pain and hurt in my heart.
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
What is the Sacred Heart of Jesus meaning?
The sacred heart is one of the most revered symbols in Roman Catholicism, and it specifically represents Christ’s love for mankind through his sacrifice on the cross for human sin.
Prayer for the Dead
Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord. R: And let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May he/she rest in peace. R: Amen.
Prayer to Holy spirit
Holy Spirit, also called Paraclete or Holy Ghost, in Christian belief, the third person of the Trinity.
Daily bible Reading for Friday, January 21st, 2022