From our editorial desk:
Special Prayers
A Prayer for Special Intentions
A Prayer for Special Intentions : Almighty and loving Father, I thank you for giving St. Gerard to us as a most appealing model and powerful friend
Rite of Exorcism
Rite of Exorcism: The priest delegated by the Ordinary to perform this office should first go to confession or at least elicit an act of contrition,
Prayer for exorcism
Prayer for exorcism The term “exorcism”” does NOT always denote a solemn exorcism involving a person possessed by the devil.
Popular Prayers
Novena Prayers
Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary
Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary ; In this novena, we will be praying for greater holiness in marriage and the family!
Novena to the Assumption of Mary
Novena to the Assumption of Mary; The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary is celebrated every year on August 15th. This feast commemorates the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her assumption, body and soul
NOVENA prayer TO ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Blessed Anthony, in the name of all the holy apostles and disciples of Christ,
Daily Mass readings
Daily mass readings for May 27,2022
Daily mass readings for May 27,2022 Friday of the Sixth Week of Easter Reading I : Acts 18:9-18 Gospel : Jn 16:20-23
Daily mass readings for May 24th,2022
Daily mass readings for May 24th,2022 Tuesday of the Sixth Week of Easter Reading I : Acts 16:22-34 Gospel : Jn 16:5-11
Daily mass readings for May 23,2022
Daily mass readings for May 23,2022, Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter., Reading I: Acts 16:11-15 Gospel : Jn 15:26—16:4a
Daily mass readings for May 22,2022
Daily mass readings for May 22,2022 Sixth Sunday of Easter , Reading I : Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Reading II : Rev 21:10-14, 22-23 Gospel : Jn 14:23-29
Daily mass readings for May 21,2022
Daily mass readings for May 21,2022 Saturday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Reading I: Acts 16:1-10 Gospel : Jn 15:18-21
Daily mass readings for May 20,2022
Daily mass readings for May 20,2022 Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter, Reading I : Acts 15:22-31 Gospel : Jn 15:12-17
Daily mass readings for May 19,2022
Daily mass readings for May 19,2022 Thursday of the Fifth Week of Easter Reading I : Acts 15:7-21 Gospel : Jn 15:9-11
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