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Daily Bible readings
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From our editorial desk:

 7 Insightful Things We Can Learn about Prayer from the Lord’s Prayer
 7 Insightful Things We Can Learn about Prayer from the Lord’s Prayer Prayer is a powerful and deeply personal practice that holds different meanings and …
Debunking the Myth: Was Jesus a Ghost?
The figure of Jesus Christ has fascinated and inspired people for centuries, prompting countless debates, discussions, and interpretations.
Bedtime Prayers for Children: A Guide to Ending the Day with Peace and Gratitude
Bedtime prayers can be a wonderful way to end the day for both children and parents.
Embracing Easter: Imbibing its Teachings into Everyday Life
Easter, it's not just about colorful eggs, bunnies, and festive meals. Easter holds profound significance for billions of people around the world, marking the resurrection …
 Reflecting on Good Friday: Embracing the Sacrifice of Jesus in Our Lives
Good Friday is a day of profound significance in the Christian faith, marking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for humanity.
How to Reflect on the Year and Prepare for the New Year with Spiritual Help
The end of the year is a great time to look back on what we have experienced, learned, and achieved, as well as to look …
Christmas Reflections: A Time to Celebrate and Appreciate
Christmas Reflections: Hello, dear brothers and sisters ! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season and enjoying the festive spirit.Christmas is a time …
Advent Reflections for Christians
Advent Reflections Advent is a season of hope, anticipation, and preparation for the coming of Christ. It is a time to recall our faith history, …
Resisting Temptation: Mastering the Art of Overcoming with the Power of Prayer
Temptation is a common struggle for many Christians. It can come in various forms, such as lust, greed, pride, anger, envy, or gluttony. Temptation can …
Becoming a catholic
Becoming a catholic; Becoming a catholic can be a transformative and meaningful experience  for a person who is seeking spiritual fulfilment and a sense of …

Special Prayers

  • A Prayer for Special Intentions

    A Prayer for Special Intentions : Almighty and loving Father, I thank you for giving St. Gerard to us as a most appealing model and powerful friend

  • Rite of Exorcism

    Rite of Exorcism: The priest delegated by the Ordinary to perform this office should first go to confession or at least elicit an act of contrition,

  • Prayer for exorcism

    Prayer for exorcism The term “exorcism”” does NOT always denote a solemn exorcism involving a person possessed by the devil.

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Daily Prayers


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Novena Prayers

  • Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

    Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima On May 13, we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima, looking to the Blessed Mother for peace and comfort in times of uncertainty.

  • Novena Prayer for Infant Jesus of Prague

    Novena Prayer for Infant Jesus of Prague By depicting Jesus as a child, the tradition of the Infant of Prague also emphasizes His humanity, and how we are children of God because of the salvation that He brings us. As Pope Benedict XVI said: The figure of the Child Jesus, the tender infant, brings home…


    THE MIRACLE PRAYER TO SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA Miracle waited on your word, and that word you were ever ready to speak at the request of those in trouble.

Daily Mass readings

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 28, 2022, ,Monday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 28, 2022, ,Monday The Lord will remember his covenant for ever.

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 27, 2022, Sunday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 27, 2022, Sunday Lord, it is good to give thanks to you. It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High, To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 26 2022, Saturday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 26 2022, Saturday The Lord is kind and merciful. Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all my being, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 25 2022,Friday

    The Lord is kind and merciful. Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all my being, bless his holy name.

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 24 2022,Thursday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 24 2022,Thursday Blessed are the poor in spirit; the Kingdom of heaven is theirs! This is the way of those whose trust is folly, the end of those contented with their lot:

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 23 2022,Wednesday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 23 2022,Wednesday Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we shall go into such and such a town, spend a year there doing business, and make a profit”– you have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow.

  • Daily Mass Readings For February 22 2022,Tuesday

    Daily Mass Readings For February 22 2022,Tuesday The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Deals Exclusively for our readers

  • Jerusalem Biblical Gift Shop Deals

    Jerusalem Biblical Gift Shop Deals

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