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25 Advent Prayers for Families to Share Each Day of Advent

During the Advent season, Christians take time to honor the birth of Jesus, God’s Son, on Earth. Christmas is a highly anticipated event in the Christian faith. It marks the birth of the Messiah in a manger to a virgin mother. This fulfills ancient prophecies. It initiates a series of events to save the world from sin. This is the essence of the Advent season.

Bl. Diana

Bl. Diana
Blessed Diana d’Andalo (1201-1236) was an Italian Dominican nun who founded the Monastery of Saint Agnes in Bologna, Italy.

Daily mass readings for Dec 6, 2024

On the first Friday of Advent, scripture reflects God’s promise of transformation, emphasizing hope for the lowly and justice against the tyrant. The Psalm reaffirms the Lord as salvation and refuge, while the Gospel recounts Jesus healing blind men, highlighting the power of faith and the urgency of sharing divine acts.

St. Cornelius

St. Cornelius was the bishop of Rome from 251 to 2531. He was pope during a tumultuous period marked by persecution and schism within the Church.