St. Cornelius

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Feast daySeptember 25
Patronof Cork, Diocese of Cork

St. Cornelius was the bishop of Rome from 251 to 2531. He was pope during a tumultuous period marked by persecution and schism within the Church.

Key Highlights of His Life:

Election: Cornelius was elected pope during a challenging period. The papal seat had been vacant for over a year after the martyrdom of Pope Fabian.
. A synod confirmed his election. This led to a schism with Novatian. Novatian opposed Cornelius’s stance on the readmission of lapsed Christians.

Persecution: During his papacy, Christian persecution resumed under Emperor Trebonianus Gallus2
. Cornelius was exiled to Centumcellae (modern-day Civitavecchia) and faced harsh conditions that eventually led to his death1

Legacy: Cornelius is remembered for his efforts to maintain unity in the Church and his compassionate stance on the readmission of repentant Christians.


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