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Special Prayers
Bedtime Prayers for Children: A Guide to Ending the Day with Peace and Gratitude
Bedtime prayers can be a wonderful way to end the day for both children and parents.
Prayer to the Holy Innocents
Prayer to the Holy Innocents; Holy Innocents, you died before you were old enough to know what life means, pray for all children who die young that God may gather them into His loving arms.
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament Blessed be God.Blessed be his holy name.Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.Blessed be the name of Jesus.Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.Blessed be his most Precious Blood.Blessed be Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.Blessed be the great…
Popular Prayers
Novena Prayers
Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary
Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary ; In this novena, we will be praying for greater holiness in marriage and the family!
Novena to the Assumption of Mary
Novena to the Assumption of Mary; The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary is celebrated every year on August 15th. This feast commemorates the death of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her assumption, body and soul
NOVENA prayer TO ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Blessed Anthony, in the name of all the holy apostles and disciples of Christ,
Daily Mass readings
Daily mass readings for Dec 6, 2023
Daily mass readings : Wednesday of the First Week of Advent Reading 1 : Is 25:6-10a On this mountain the LORD of hostswill provide for all peoplesA feast of rich food and choice wines,juicy, rich food and pure, choice wines.On this mountain he will destroythe veil that veils all peoples,The web that is woven over…
Daily mass readings for Dec 5, 2023
Daily mass readings : Tuesday of the First Week of Advent Reading 1 : Is 11:1-10 On that day,A shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,and from his roots a bud shall blossom.The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him:a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding,A Spirit of counsel and of strength,a Spirit…
Daily mass readings for Dec 4, 2023
Daily mass readings : Monday of the First Week of Advent Reading 1 : Is 2:1-5 This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz,saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In days to come,The mountain of the LORD’s houseshall be established as the highest mountainand raised above the hills.All nations shall stream toward it;many peoples shall come and…
Daily mass readings for Dec 3, 2023
Daily mass readings: First Sunday of Advent Reading 1 : IS 63:16B-17, 19B; 64:2-7 You, LORD, are our father,our redeemer you are named forever.Why do you let us wander, O LORD, from your ways,and harden our hearts so that we fear you not?Return for the sake of your servants,the tribes of your heritage.Oh, that you…
Daily mass readings for Dec 2, 2023
Daily mass readings : Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Reading 1 : Dn 7:15-27 I, Daniel, found my spirit anguished within its covering of flesh,and I was terrified by the visions of my mind.I approached one of those presentand asked him what all this meant in truth;in answer, he made known to…
Daily mass readings for Dec 1, 2023
Daily mass readings for Friday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Reading 1 : Dn 7:2-14 In a vision I, Daniel, saw during the night,the four winds of heaven stirred up the great sea,from which emerged four immense beasts,each different from the others.The first was like a lion, but with eagle’s wings.While I watched,…
Daily mass readings for Nov 30, 2023
Daily mass readings : Feast of Saint Andrew, Apostle Reading 1 : Rom 10:9-18 Brothers and sisters:If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lordand believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved.For one believes with the heart and so is justified,and one confesses with the mouth and…
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