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Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary

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Novena Prayers

  • Novena prayer to Infant Jesus

    Novena prayers to infant Jesus The littleness displayed in the novena to the Infant Jesus of Prague helps us grow spiritually. Prayer to the Infant Jesus humbles us and reminds us of the importance of maintaining and cultivating our relationship with the Lord.

Daily Mass readings

  • Daily mass readings for Mar 4, 2024

    Daily mass readings : Monday of the Third Week of Lent Reading 1: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab Naaman, the army commander of the king of Aram,was highly esteemed and respected by….

  • Daily mass readings for Mar 3, 2024

    Daily mass readings : Third Sunday of Lent Reading I : Ex 20:1-17 In those days, God delivered all these commandments:“I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of….

  • Daily mass readings for Mar 2, 2024

    Daily mass readings : Saturday of the Second Week of Lent Reading 1 : Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 Shepherd your people with your staff,the flock of your inheritance,That dwells apart in….

  • Daily mass readings for Mar 1, 2024

    Daily mass readings: Friday of the Second Week of Lent Reading 1 : Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a Israel loved Joseph best of all his sons,for he was the child of….

  • Daily mass readings for Feb 29, 2024

    Daily mass readings : Thursday of the Second Week of Lent Reading 1 : Jer 17:5-10 Thus says the LORD:Cursed is the man who trusts in human beings,who seeks his….

  • Daily mass readings Feb 28, 2024

    Reading 1 : Jer 18:18-20 The people of Judah and the citizens of Jerusalem said,“Come, let us contrive a plot against Jeremiah.It will not mean the loss of instruction from….

  • Daily mass readings for Feb 27, 2024

    Daily mass readings : Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent Reading 1 : Is 1:10, 16-20 Hear the word of the LORD,princes of Sodom!Listen to the instruction of our….

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