Led by the Spirit of our God, we go to
fast and pray with Christ into the wilderness;
we join his paschal way.
“Rend not your garments, rend your hearts.
Turn back your lives to me.”
Thus says our kind and gracious God,
whose reign is liberty.
Led by the Spirit, we confront temptation
face to face, and know full well we must rely
on God’s redeeming grace.
On bread alone, we cannot live,
but nourished by the Word
we seek the will of God to do:
this is our drink and food.
Led by the Spirit, now draw near the waters
of rebirth with hearts that long to worship God
in Spirit and in truth.
“Whoever drinks the drink I give
shall never thirst again.”
Thus says the Lord who died for us,
our Saviour, kin and friend.
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