
1. As the Deer6. Led By The Spirit
2. You Are My All In All7. Forty Days And Forty Nights
3. Our God Is An Awesome God8. Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
4.  Christ Be Our Light9. Give Me Thy Heart
5. Beyond The Days10. O Lord Be Not Mindful

11. For You Are My God16. My Jesus, My Saviour (Shout To the Lord)
12. There Is Power In The Blood17. I Offer My Life
13. Jesus My Lord Behold18. Open the Eyes of My Heart (Live)
14. The Saviour Is Waiting19. God Will Make a Way
15. Many Times I Have Turned20. What a Friend We Have In Jesus

angel prayers angels communion hyms communionprayers Dailyreadings daily readings deals dyingprayers easter eastersunday family prayers familyprayers female saints goodfriday healingprayers Holyweek jesus christ prayers Jesus Prayers Lent Lenten Hymns Litanies litany male saints males saints Maryan prayers mass prayers maundythrusday miracle miracle prayers morning prayers Novena prayers palmsunday patron saints Popular saints Prayer for guidance prayers prayers for help protection prayers rosary saint prayers Saints special articles Special prayer St.anthony of padua travelprayers

21. Thank You Lord
22. Lord, I Lift Your Name On High
23. Here I am to worship
24. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)

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