Powerfull Catholic prayers

Catholic prayers

1. Litany of Saint Anthony of Padua11. A Prayer for Healing
2. Prayer against Depression by Saint Ignatius of Loyola12. A Prayer for Special Intentions
3. Prayer to Saint Joseph for a Happy Death13. A Prayer for World Peace
4. Prayer to Saint Jude14. A Prayer to Defeat the Work of Satan
5. Prayer to St. John Paul II15. A Prayer to Jesus for Healing
6. To Saint Anne16. A Prayer to the Holy Spirit (by Cardinal Mercier)
7. 3 o Clock Prayer to the Divine Mercy17. A Students prayer by St. Thomas acqauinas
8. A Prayer Before Mass (by St. Thomas Aquinas)18. Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
9. A Prayer for a Deceased Father or Mother19. Act of Contrition
10. A Prayer For a Family20. Act of Spiritual Communion
21. Adoration Prayers31. Devotion to Our Blessed Mother
22. Be with Me Today, O Lord.32. Evening Prayer to God the Father
23. Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament33. Give Me Strength, Lord
24. Blessing of an Automobile34. God Alone Suffices
25. Canticle of Zechariah35. In Time of Danger
26. Christmas Prayer36. Litany of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows
27. Come Holy Spirit37. Litany of the Holy Ghost
28. Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus38. Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
29. Daily Prayer For The Holy Souls39. Litany of the saints
30. Debt prayer40. Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace, Saint Francis Prayer
41. Morning Offering to the Sacred Heart51. Prayer Before Surgery
42. Novena Prayer for Infant Jesus of Prague52. Prayer for a Good Husband or Wife
43. Novena prayer to Infant Jesus53. Prayer for a Sick Person
44. Novena prayer to St Anthony of Padua54. Prayer for All Humanity
45. Novena to Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary55. Prayer for Blessing of New House
46. Novena to the Assumption of Mary56. Prayer for Doctors and Nurses
47. OUT OF THE DEPTHS # 2 Also known as De Profundis; (Psalm 130)57. Prayer for Employment
48. Parents Prayer for  Children58. Prayer for exorcism
49. Prayer before a Crucifix59. Prayer for Guidance and Help
50. Prayer before Confession60. Prayer for Our Country
61. Prayer For Parents71. Prayer of Praise and Thanks
62. Prayer for Protection Against Fires72. Prayer of Spouses for Each Other
63. Prayer for the Dead73. Prayer to God the Father
64. Prayer for the Dignity of Human Life74. Prayer to Heal a Relationship
65. Prayer for the Family75. Prayer to Holy Michael the Archangel
66. Prayer for the Forgiveness of Sins76. Prayer to Holy spirit
67. Prayer for the Sick near Death77. Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima
68. Prayer Found Under Christ’s Sepulchre 1503 Ad78. Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes
69. Prayer of an Expectant Mother79. Prayer to Our Mother of Perpetual Help
70. Prayer of Guardian Angel80. Prayer to Saint Joseph for Success in Work

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81. Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel91. Renewal of Baptismal Promises
82. Prayer to St. Gabriel, for Intercession92. Rite of Exorcism
83. Prayer to St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings93. Shoulder Wound of Christ
84. Prayer to the Holy Trinity94. Soulmate Prayer
85. Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus95. St. Augustine’s Prayer to the Holy Spirit
86. Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe96. The Anima Christi
87. Prayers after Holy Communion97. The Divine Praises
88. Prayers before Holy Communion98. The Gloria
89. Prayers to end the year 99. The Good Morning God Prayer
90. Regina Coeli100. The Miracle Prayer
102. The Nicene Creed112. Agnus Dei; Lamb of God
103. The Prayer; Thank You God;113. Cemetery Prayer #1
104. The Prayer, O Queen of Heaven114. A Prayer in Honour of the Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ
105. The Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen)115. Saint Raphael Prayer
106. The Universal Prayer (attributed to Pope Clement Xi)116. Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon of St. Francis of Assisi
107. Thirty Day Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary; In Honour of the Sacred Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.117. Debt Removal Prayer
108. To Saint Anne118. A Prayer for Healing a Loved One
109. To Saint Peregrine119. Lorica of Saint Patrick
110. Way Of the cross120. Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
121. A Night Prayer131. Confiteor
122. A Prayer for After Mass – by St. Thomas Aquinas132. Debt Removal Prayer
123. A Prayer for Healing a Loved One133. Help Against Spiritual Enemies
124. A Prayer in Honour of the Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ134. Lorica of Saint Patrick
125. Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus135. Prayer After A Surgery
126. Advent Wreath Prayer136. Prayer for Healing
127. Agnus Dei ; Lamb of God137. Prayer in Time of Bereavement
128. Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon of St. Francis of Assisi138. Prayer to St. Michael, For Personal Protection
129. Canticle Of Mary139. Saint Raphael Prayer
130. Cemetery Prayer #1140. Serenity Prayer
141. Thanks to My Guardian Angel151. Saint Dymphna
142. The Prayer, We Fly to Thy Patronage152. Arising from Sleep
143. Thirty Days Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ153. Ash Wednesday Prayer
144. A Prayer for Ash Wednesday154. Be with Me Christ
145. Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit155. Confidence in God
146. Advent Wreath Prayer156. Consecration of Families to the Sacred Heart
147. Alma De Cristo157. Prayer For Courage
148. Help Against Spiritual Enemies158. Prayer for Deceased Parents
149. Prayer for a Priest159. Prayer for our Nation
150. Prayer for Healing160. Prayer to Saint Michael for Personal Protection
161. The Fertility Blessing171. A Prayer for Peace of Mind (by Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini)
162. To Heal a Friend172. Bless Me, O Lord.
163. A Prayer for a Sick Child173. Prayer for God’s Blessing of One’s Daily Work
164. Soul of christ174. Watch, O Lord (St. Augustine)
165. A Prayer to Say On the Day of a Person’s Death or Burial175. Prayer to Our Lady
166. The Prayer – You Are Christ (By Saint Augustine of Hippo.)176. Birthday Prayers # 1
167. A Valentine Prayer (3)177. Prayer to Saint Valentine
168. Prayer for Acceptance of Death178. Prayer for a Blessing on the New Year
169 . Prayer before the Closing of the Day179. Saint Anthony of Padua
170 . A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Our Lady of Mount Carmel180. To St. Joseph for Protection
181. For Healing
182. Act of Consecration of Jesus
183. Prayer for Palm Sunday and Holy week
184. St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members
185. A Prayer for Guidance

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